Join us to learn about your Chakras and experience how to keep your energy flowing for optimal health and wellness!
No matter if you’re new to learning about Chakras or if you’re an old pro, this class is all about balancing your wheels of energy, no experience required.
What are Chakras and How do you balance them?
A chakra is a “wheel,” an energy center in the body.
There are 7 major chakras.
Using Energy Tapping, Energy Exercises, Vedic Chanting, Color Visualization, we’ll clear the blocked areas and get your energy circulating.
Interested to welcome body harmony and balance?
If yes, then join us to learn and experience what it takes to keep your energy flowing!
What you can expect from the class:
Learn about the Chakras
Clear energy blocks from your Chakras
Reconnect to your inner strength
Kickstart optimal flow of prana
Boost your energy
Learn and experience Energy Tapping, a life skill acupressure technique that empowers you to change and reprogram your stress. Tap along with the group to clear and balance each Chakra.
This workshop is 60 minutes, including a 10 minute crystal bowls sound bath and live tuning forks healing at the end. Wear comfy clothes and bring a yoga mat or towel.
Energy Investment: $15
Join Suzanne as she guides the group with grounding energy exercises, followed by a group meridian energy "tap-along" that will balance each chakra, leaving your balanced and recharged.
Led by: Suzanne Gundersen, Holistic Mentor (
What's Tapping?
Stress is the body’s reaction to perception. Our bodies are energy and meridians are rivers of energy that flow through the body. When we think, the body feels, that's what the mind body connection is about. Meridian Tapping is a simple technique that uses your fingers to tap on specific meridian points to disrupt the connection between the mind and body. Tapping shifts the flow of energy, which in turn shifts how you feel and experience your thoughts. Shifting away from stress can free the energy to flow in a new direction.
Meridian Tapping can be used anywhere, anytime to provide in the moment relief and shifting of energy. It’s a living skill that can be used to decrease stress and worry and increase self worth and self confidence. When we hold onto stress, the energy system of the body stays in a state of overwhelm, which tapping shifts to restore balance. Tapping can be used to address and resolve nearly every stress that life can throw at us.